Thursday, October 6, 2011


The topic of the week is about Wikileaks!
As what sir thought us earlier in class, WikiLeaks is an international non-profit organization that posts all kinds of contents that are supposed to be classified or secret.

This organization was initiated by a man named Julian Paul Assange. According to Khatchadourian, "since it went online, three and a half years ago, the site has published an extensive catalogue of secret material, ranging from the Standard Operating Procedures at Camp Delta, in Guantanamo Bay, and the "Climategate" e-mails from the University of Easy Anglia, in England, to the contents of Sarah Palin's private Yahoo account." (2010)

In the article written by Raffi Khatchadourian, one of the videos that was posted up on WikiLeaks is the video taken regarding the attack of the American soldiers in Iraq back in year 2007. In the progress of gettign the video up on the Internet, Assange went through a tough period.

When Assange got the video footage, a number of people who share the same thoughts with Assange volunteered to help out to edit the video to a short clip in total secrecy. Besides that, Assange also intends to ensure that when the videos is up on Internet, there will be no way to take down the video unless they were to dismantle the entire Internet.

Here is the short clip regarding the matter. From there, you can see that the American soldiers are brutally killing the people in Iraq even the innocents.

(click to go to the original site)

When I was reading the article, I thought that Assange might get caught by the government for posting such content on the web yet, somehow Assange manage to get away from it. It is because WikiLeak has more than twenty servers all over the world and have up to hundreds of domain names in the world wide web. It make the government close to impossible to track him down.

"Lawyers working for the British bank Northern Rock threatened court action after the site published an embarrassing memo, but they were practically reduced to begging. A Kenyan politician also vowed to sue after Assange published a confidential report alleging that President Daniel arap Moi and his allies had siphoned billions of dollars out of the country. The site’s work in Kenya earned it an award from Amnesty International."

Even until now, WikiLeak is available and without you noticing, they might be in an operation of coming out with another leak again. In my opinion, WikiLeak is not exactly a bad organization. This website actually helped us a lot in knowing the truth of some organization, with the excellent skills of them, Assange even able to get away from all kinds of lawsuit. It is indeed total transparency to everything. Nothing will be cover or hide from in this area.

Some of the people might think that WikiLeaks is not a good organization for the fact that it is invading other's privacy but in fact, this organization just helped us to know and understand more about the stories behind the pretty lies.

Again, this is about the ugly truth.

On a side note, if you're wondering how Assange got all the money as his expenses, it's all donation. Knowing that this organization reveals the stories behind the scenes, there are people more than happy to donate money so that his operation/project can go on. Cool isn't it? This is the power of collaboration! From here, we can see that there are things that even the government can't govern. The WikiLeaks!

Check out more leaks from the website itself!! (


  1. Hi Jia Xin

    I 101% agree with you that WikeLeaks is definitely not a bad organization in regardless if it was a profit or non profit organization.

    WikiLeaks has given us so much insight about the truth behind ugly masks that individuals, governments and organizations that had put up for their own benefits. Such actions are usually considered inhuman and ugly.

    I truely respect the founder of WikiLeaks Julian Assange. He has given up everything in his life to fight justice for people's rights and world's right. According to what i know, he doesn't even has a house which belong to himself. He has to hide from places to places and all the supports and shelters he has is from his followers and those who trust him and believe in him that he will make a difference to the world.

    His such brave motivation and insipiratoin is much to be learned from. He's truly a hero dont you think?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wikileaks really is a transparent "hero" to the so call freedom of speech in my opinion! While everything that he says is bad,but its true and needs to be known by every citizen in the world. Sometimes it might create chaos if the secret of the country is revealed, but in order to rule the country, one have to be wise and brave enough to control the situation but not control the mouth of public.this is why wikileaks comes into place and speak for them.A ncie post!

  4. I have saw the video which you posted. It is really unimaginable when we can see the real truth of how the American killed the Iraq and the innocents one. As a matter of fact, I do really salute Assange has actually take risk to reveal this to the public. Some people might unable to accept the fact and rebel. Personally, I think everyone have the right to know the ugly truth although there is different people and different countries.

  5. It's really cool that people donate money so Assange can operate his project smoothly. People 'donate' but not pay. This is what I impressed of. People likes free stuff but people likes true stories more. This is why they donate to support.

    Thanks for the video, now only I know the truth is a scary behind the scenes story. Thanks to Assange, with his bravery, we are able to see and read the truth of a news.

  6. I'm totally agree with you that WikiLeaks is not a bad organization. It just help to uncover the truth of some specific events or organization. Besides, not everyone had the courage to uncover this kind of things and stand against the government. Assange is the brave one and the smart one as he is very brave to uncover the truth and the smart one as to get away from the lawsuit. I sallute him =)

    By the way, i like your the graphic that you used, it fits the topics very well and its funny =)

  7. I like WikiLeaks too. Wikileaks made me know more about the hidden truth that didn’t expose in the newspaper. Peoples can know the truth as truth shouldn’t be hidden from the citizen. Peoples who done bad should get the penalty they had to get and they should be no escaping opportunity from the penalty by paying bribe or they are peoples who had the powered. Wikileaks had an important role like the judges that giving the truth to the public. So, this is the reason I like Wikileaks but due to the reason different peoples have different thoughts so it will make Wikileaks become less credible.

  8. Hi Jia Xin,

    Don't we all love Wikileaks with that it does to us. Truth hurts, and it definitely hurts the United States the most.(revealing what they did in Iraq).

    With just one video that initiated the truth, the whole world stated to tune in to WikiLeaks where truth on the worlds secrets was revealed to us, the mass.

    More of this sites in the future, I hope.
