Thursday, November 3, 2011

Google's Open Source Android OS Will Free the Wireless Web

A wise choice back then bring us benefit today.

When Rubin wants just an imprimatur of Google, Page came out with a better idea : Buy Android.

In fact, today, Google is one of the biggest search engine. I won't be surprised if they claimed that they got the highest visitor rates everyday. Their wide coverage of websites helped the netizens so much on finding the websites. What's even better is that because Google helps in so many things, now that whenever there is a problem, first thing we think of is..."GOOGLE it!"

So, now that they know the world is so advanced and most of the people have a smartphone on hand, Page figured out what is his next step.

The company's theory was that if you make browsing by phone easy and fun, people will use it just like a desktop browser, with Google search as the main port of entry. Christmas Day 2007 offered Google proof that the strategy could work.

Now, you can do anything on an Android phone. Google Map (Commandro) , Recipes of cooking (Cooking Capsules), Music player (Tunewiki), Android scan and et cetera. Isn't it useful? The phone has almost the same function as the computer right now, best of all, it is portable!

In the whole article, Roth focuses on the process of how Android and Google collaborates and it benefits the world. And personally, I think they did something really great. From a big heavy computer that needs to take a minute to boot so that you can surf the net, to just a slide/tap to the internet. It is just making everything works better in shorter time. It even have map navigator, weather forecast, music player and more!

Yet, there are still downsides to this change in my opinion. It's true that the technology makes our life easier but when changing enhancing the pace of life, don't you think it change something else too? What is, you asked. Attitude it is. Now that everyone is just a tap away from the Internet, instead of looking at a friend's eyes and chat with them, they'll choose to face the phone.

Whenever there are no topic left among friends, they'll face the phone and check updates of Facebook. Got lost in the middle of a city? Use Map Navigator. Wants to cook? Check on cooking capsules. People don't even bother to ask anyone about things anymore. Instead, they'll just depend on the gadget. Where the communication between human went?

But at the end of the day, that's not what Google or Android concerned. At a developer's eyes, bring Google and Android together is a success. Like what's mentioned in Ruth's article,

"If the only thing android achieves is getting more people to spend more time online, then Google still profits. More users mean more people viewing pages with Google ads. If they're doing that from an Android phone, great. If not, but they're on a phone made more Web-friendly thanks to competitive pressure from Google, that's also fine."

So, do you know who is the biggest winner now? Wise decision, brought him the best profit. Google's creator, Larry Page, is the biggest winner in the game!


  1. Hey Jia Xin

    I agree now we always go just "Google it!" whenever we don't know anything. Plus an interesting point you pointed out is the attitude which is another thing we are facing now in our society, people paying more attention to their smartphones. Is more like a habit now because back when we have a laptop with us we tend to surf the net while have a cup of starbucks with a friend but now smartphones are just as powerful as our 5kg laptops and access to internet is like a flick of a finger and there you go. Thus, this is something we should take into consideration as to not let technology take over us and forget that we are who we are.

  2. Jia Xin, I agree with you, nowadays whatever we want to find on internet, we will Google it and find out the information. I can tell you that Google is still the winner. Anyway,now smartphone had the function of Android which is from Google as well and it is really bring a lot convenience and features that can do in smartphone and do not need to bring the laptop around, but still in my view laptop will be always the best than smartphone as smartphone is not totally can support all the software like PC.

  3. Hullo there Jia Xin! I do agree that Larry Page is the biggest winner out of all. His decision to buy Android and then make it free and open for everyone is indeed a wise move. In terms of a long run mission, they will only be stronger and bigger. Why? Because they truly focuses on letting all the information go all out.

    Information is key as we know. And Google uses Android as a platform for people to browse information on the go easier and faster. Also he has made browsing a really cool and fun experience. With his tactic of going open source, so many great and beneficial apps have sprung up from independent apps developers.

    With the innovation and creation of these developers, more people would be able to enjoy this piece of informative apps and then pass it on to more people to benefit from it. Apps helps us in a lot of way, providing directions, letting us search for the results we want, given us easier and convenient tools. All of these are a form of information.

    Google and Android did a great job by focusing on free flow of information. They scrutinize the value of this knowledge era and made full use of it. I'd go Android if I were to get a smartphone! Page and Rubin wins!

  4. Hey. I agree technology changes people. People now BBM, Whatsapp each other even if they are sitting next to each other. This is the disadvantage of technology.

    Should we put the blame on Google? I don't think so. Google has given a great chance to people to surf the Internet easily. For people like business man, smart phones play an important roles in scheduling meetings, communicating with clients (clients are using smart phones too! TREND!), checking emails and more. Although there are some disadvantages but I think smart phones bring convenience to people as people now are living with busy life style.

  5. I wont be surprise either if Google claim that they have the highest visitor everyday. Many people had made Google as their homepage for the browser included me, so the first thing they on the browser, it will automatic go in the google. Besides, Google is no longer the name of the search engine, it had another meaning in it which is "search". It is because that we will not said search for it on the internet but "Google it". It had replace the words "search". This can show that the stand of Google among the search engine. Did you ever heard people said "Yahoo it" or "Bing it"? I havent heard of it before. Have you? =)

    BAck to the topic, I think Google is the winner because the purpose of Android is to attract people to surf the net especially Google net so there for, Apple or other Website friendly phone will just help Google with its objective and profits it.

  6. I agree with your opinion that bring Google and Android together is success. I think they will success to as Google is the most powerful search engine in the world and people are rely on the Google result to get their information. In the past, people use computer to search about the information but now, people use the little portable mobile devices to check whatever they want to check. Due to the changes of the technology, people start to change their behavior from computer to mobile devices that provided the application can chat, check information, sharing photos or videos, and also messaging or calling. The ideas of using the internet services in mobile devices are brilliant as people can use the internet in every place. So, even Apple and Android is competitor but they can survive by creating more creative functions and application to show their uniqueness.

  7. Hi, Jia Xin.

    I m user of Android, to me I prefer Iphone apps.In term of apps, I think Iphone apps is more advance than Android apps. However, I believe not for very long period, Android will be the winner in Mobile OS, because I confident to my good friend - GOOGLE!
