Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Nature of Network. (Time and Space)

Here comes the second part which is the time and space!

This will be short as it's just a really simple idea IMO.

As what I mentioned earlier, time and space is today's main character! And in short, it meant that at the present of time, human learnt to manage more space in lesser time.

Look, in the past, speaking of space, one can only manage a limited space physically. But now, in the digital world, with network provided, as long as you can read, listen and type fast. You can manage a lot of spaces. Like what I mentioned in the first post,

way before "a tap away from Facebook";
it was "a click away to the Internet".
And for even earlier of the days, I guess it used to be
"A few hundred meters away from the postbox"

In the past, even if both parties wait at the postbox everyday, they might only able to receive the mail in few days time, if it's overseas, weeks time. But now, you type you click you wait and few seconds later, he/she will get your mail. Can you see what network brought to us?

Space is bigger than what we imagined. Now, central controlled of a company will not required to be in the same spot as the marketing department anymore. As what Stadler said, it's no longer based on the physical proximity. Best example could be our university itself. It's the partner of Inti yet the main university is not located here in Malaysia but in Australia.

Besides, with the space provided, we can now choose whoever we want to communicate with. For instance, A Japanese company that wish to incorporate with the other company no longer need to limit themselves to choose companies among their company but can look into international companies. Well, this is also one of the way for most of the major company to internationalize their company and make themselves well known globally right?

However, downside of it is that it will make us not communicate that often anymore. As we can choose our target to communicate with, if so happened that the people around one does not share the same thought as one do, one will eventually stop communicating with the person.Which directly make the person's attitude colder.

Hope I'm getting my points right! That's all for part 2!


  1. Hello! :D

    I thought the examples you've given was great! What better than examples that we can relate to? Especially the Inti-Wollogong example!

    It's true that in the digital world, everything is faster, better, easier! If we want to create an event, it would be so time consuming and expensive if we have to call and call and call and call EVERY SINGLE ONE. And then we have to call back AGAIN to ask for their rsvp. Silly isn't it!

    W/ the digital world now, what we can do is create an event page on FB! Things would be so much easier! :D Imagine if we don't have the Internet or phone to call people for a party. HAHAHHAHA. Gone case confirm! :P

    A pleasure reading this! THANKS JIA XIN! :D

  2. Thanks!! Glad that you like it!

    It'll be hell if we have to call every single one just to pass an information. Guess by that time ears is that one that have lots of problem compare to the eyes. And worse of all if you accidentally missed out one person, you have no way to track back who is that!!

    For RSVP, true but sometimes it does made it sounded not sincere don't you think so? Non-verbal is ambiguous remember? Hahah!
