Friday, August 12, 2011

Network is the Matrix

Why Network Matters? - Manuel Castells

No body will denies it if one were to state that network is now the controller of our life. Believe it or not, it actually affects us from work to our daily life.

In the journal itself, Castells stated 6 strong points to support his statement. Of all, one of the points stated that it expands on the global scale. Even though not all people are connected in the network society but all countries are influenced and shaped by it.

Examples? Now sit down and think, what we used to play before the network expand? Got the answer? and now, what's the kids' new toy in this generation? Can you see the point now?

Last time, we'll go hyper if we get to come...

Girls used to be so happy if she has

Boys will go crazy if he can ever get to play

But what about the kids in this generation? When I was in my grandparents house, my 7 years old cousin came to me, and her first line was "I saw you on Facebook! Got so many pictures!"

I don't think I need to further elaborate anymore. It's clear that how the network is expanding. Not only globally but in terms of age. Even to the kids.

And, Castells also said that networked organisation out-compete all other forms of organisation. In simple words, it meant that if you can't follow the pace, you're screwed. You see, what will be the first thing you'll do if you were to book a hotel in Australia for vacation? Yes, internet. So, if you try to find a hotel through the internet and the hotel doesn't even have a website, will you still go for that hotel? That is why, Castells said that, organisations that can't follow this logic will ultimately phased out. Face the truth, the world is cruel! If you can't follow the pace, you'll get eliminated. Do it or not, you'll decide yourself.

Let's look at it this way, how network changes us? In what way it changed us?

Did you ever realize that we are very attached to social networking sites? When you met a new friend, instead of

"Hey! Really nice meeting you! We should really keep in touch! Mind giving me your phone number?

we turned to this...

"Hey! Really nice meeting you! Do you have Facebook account? or Twitter?"

It even make the employer's job easier in the sense that he/she can just browse through your page to see what kind of person you are way before he/she set an interview with you.

Like what Mr.Faizal mentioned, when we reached a new place, first thing we need to do is to take photo and upload it on Facebook. Why? When we reached somewhere, smartphone user will just check in the place. Why? Are we trying to show off? Are we trying to let other people know what are we doing? Or, we're doing it just because everyone does that?

In year 2009, there was a case whereby the mother tweets about her 2 year old son just 34 minutes after he was found in the bottom of her backyard pool. The message of her tweet is "Please pray like never before, my 2yr old fell in the pool"

The son just passed away and instead of crying and screaming her head off, she tweets!
Life is more important or updates are?

In the article, Lisa Neal Gualtieri, an adjunct clinical professor of the health communication program and an expert in social media and public health said that

"Many people become closer to the people who they use Facebook and Twitter with than they do with their friends and neighbours," said Gualtieri. "And many people even use social media as their primary way of connecting with their friends."
Little did you know, network gave us a very very big impact. As if the life is attached with it. Reading this journal makes me wonder, who is supposed to take this blame? Founder of social website? For me, the answer is the technology.

No doubt, the technology did make our life much more easier but it also made our life more miserable. Ask yourself, do you still talk to your friend that much compare to how you do last time? Instead of wishing your friend "Happy Birthday" face to face, how you wish them right now? Before smartphone is widely used, we used to go online to surf the social networking sites. But now with the advanced technology, instead of "A click away to Facebook" it became "A tap away to Facebook" You can surf whenever you want, wherever you like.

It's true that it made us closer to each other globally but this ended up turning to be communicating more often electronically and lesser in terms of verbal. It made us feels that, we can definitely breath without it but we can never live without it. Worth it or not? You'll decide. Indeed,

"Network are the Matrix"


  1. Hey Barbie Doll is fun to play when I'm young. Nice comparing though! Hahaha. Well, network is like providing the "shortcut" way to us, by just typing, posting and commenting, is able to communicate with others literally. How nice~:)

  2. Ahhh, I miss my good old days with masak-masak all. :D
    and yes, children now are scary. With facebook all. They even stalking their friends, talking about boyfriend and girlfriend online. I can imagine how wide is network after 10 years or 20 years.
    it's kinda annoying when your friends stop you when you are trying to enjoy your food for just taking pictures. It has become a trend now; the only thing I can do is ask them for permission before I eat. haha!

  3. sook mun >> hahaha! true. But it made us good in typing but not talking anymore. )=

    pei jie >> let's play masak masak someday! haha! Worse scenario will be when one jump onto the bed in the hotel, another person will wake him/her up and make it as if no one lies on it before and snap a picture! hahaha!

  4. Jia Xin, I agreed what you said, nowadays children was holding their i-pad or i-phone to be their childhood, is totally different what we did in childhood. Yeah! Networking is not only have a good side also has it own bad side. By the way, your points is totally let me think of our childhood and is totally different with what the children do now. :)

  5. =D We're still the luckiest batch! Got to play with nice toys but not too late to catch up with the advance technologies :D

  6. wow~Interesting , the picture made me think of last time when i was young.. the advance of technology slowly replace to the traditional toy, the kids nowadays use ipad instead of gameboy, play facebook "restaurant city" instead of "Masak Masak" we used to play last time =)

  7. u remind my my childhood time!! i was playing the dolls, masak masak thingy everyday. No network, no facebook, no internet and i don even know what is internet when im a kids. But kids nowadays used high tech gadget (their phone is even better than mine =(( ) to connect to the network, play games, go to social network and so on. Basically they do not hav the wonderful childhood time like us and network may make them lost their Innocence as a kids.

  8. Good generalized comments but if possible try to discuss specific points/quotes from the reading.

    Your point on how people are now closer to their friends on facebook than their neighbors made me thinking the kind of networks that are more important/relevant today.

  9. Hey jiaxin,i like the comparison you made to describe the network. As you compared it is really reflects the society nowadays to the influence of network. The technology did changes us in term of doing things and i think probably its because of the norms. when everyone is starting to play facebook, we will eventually follows the norm. In this case,it influecne one by one and eventually connects each other. Thus, it has the best part and form this it create the worst part.

  10. basically I dont really agree with your statement that network is the controller of our life, network is actually a tool to enhance our lifestyle and it creates a better future for us as it pull the distance between us closer and closer. Social networking such as facebook that you mentioned is a very good example that make us closer to one and another
