Friday, August 19, 2011

We're all the same. Cyberspace

Seriously, cyberspace is way easier than nodes and flows.

Cyberspace. Somewhere that most of the people want to be nowadays. Why? Think first before you continue reading.

Are you getting treat equally wherever you are right now? What about in cyberspace?
Do you get stereotypical views from people? Do you get the same in cyberspace?
How long you exposed to the real-time life everyday? More than cyberspace? Or not?

In cyberspace, we can be ourselves. We don't have to care about the other views. Well, it's true that we can be ourselves as well in the real world but with the weird looks/reaction you get from the others, you'll somehow still feel uneasy right? But in the cyberspace, you'll never see that. Unless you on the webcam when you interacting with someone.

Besides, there is no prejudice no stereotypes here. Like what John Perry Barlow mentioned in the article,

" Cyberspace doesn't lie within your borders."

Honestly, you won't understand how it feels until you really immerse in the cyberspace. It's somewhere that makes you feel easy.

In the real world, government claim that there are plenty of problems occur in cyberspace. But as what Barlow stated, that are just the excuse to invade to our precinct. I agree with this. Look, let's take pornography as one of the problems. If the government were to point this as the problem, don't you think it's contradicting? There are also pornography in this real world, but what action did the government took? Did the problem solve? If hacking is one of the problem in the cyberspace, what about murdering and raping in the real world? These crimes will never end. since they can't solve theirs why are they invading the cyberspace? Hence, it can't be point out as a problem in the first place.

Besides, if there are really problems or false information, netizens will definitely take action and solve it in their own ways. Be it to block it or delete it, it's their way of handling it. Not the government's.

Everyone is a leader in cyberspace. We don't have to conform or listen to the others. We can have own opinions. In cyberspace, we treat each other equally. Because, this is a place where we can have something call equality.

We're the freeman. Although cyberspace is colorful, it is also a black and white world. Why so? Because everyone has the same color. No one deserve different treatment. Everyone is open to equal chance!

Frankly, if government stop the interaction in cyberspace, what will the netizens do? Figure that yourself! =)

BUT. No matter what, do remember. Never fully exposed to cyberspace. Even if cyberspace is free from prejudices/stereotypes, as what I mentioned earlier, it still has unsolved problems. Uncountable problems that we can never solve for the time being.

We are all the same


  1. "Are you getting treat equally wherever you are right now? What about in cyberspace?
    Do you get stereotypical views from people? Do you get the same in cyberspace?
    How long you exposed to the real-time life everyday? More than cyberspace? Or not?"

    This is true! Sometimes when whatever we say or voice out is not heard by the people we want to. Why is this? It's b/c we're a minority! It's b/c they don't see us as a someone w/ great minds at all! They look down at us! At our ideas, our capabilities, our values.

    Sometimes, this would provoke an inflammatory action which both parties will suffer. But some others choose to express it out on the Cyberspace.

    Too many times we've been affected or we've been into a tough and depressing situation, and the way we turn to let off our steam would mostly be in blogs. I think this is the case of a number of people. It's our own space, we can let everything out. It's like a private beach, where we can just shout it all out! Agree? :)

    And from what you've said that the government is trying to invade our space w/ the examples of hacking and porn. It's true that the government are taking "actions" to "solve" the problem. But still the problem never stops does it? And like what you've pointed out, what about raping and murdering and drugs issues?! This issues are even worse than just the mild troubles of hacking and porn!

    I like that illustration at the end! So cute but informative! Thanks Jia Xin! Will be back here to comment for more! :DD

  2. =D thanks Michelle!

    Yea! Indeed blogs or own space will be like a private beach for us to let off our steam. I agree!

    But well, in other way, if one do use blogs as their way to let out their thoughts and they private/lock it. What happened if they suddenly decided to kill themselves? No one will know what happened to him/her. All the thoughts are locked and no one can access it unless you're a professional hacker don't you think so? Guess this is the downside of blogs. )=

    In the dictionary of "problems", there's no such word as "end". Thats why it'll never end. Guess we have to make a wise choice ourselves on the materials we pick. =)

  3. I love the 1st sentences! This is much easier than the nodes and flows!

    Agree that the we are the one who leading cyberspace.That are the world that we find another way to treat our self equally as in real life there are too much of unfairness. We rule the cyber world. We do not need people to tell us what to do, what's the next step, what is good, what is bad. Everything is the same in the cyberspace.

    I think Jia Xin had stress out a good point which is don't too exposed to the cyberspace. Even though it's a good place to speak up, but still there are crime in the cyberspace! We must be smart in the cyberspace yo!

    Thanks Jia Xin for the posting! Hope to read your post again yo! :)

  4. I agree with in cyberspace we don't need to care about how people view.
    Whenever I feel unhappy, I prefer to write than to tell, so I use to write my emotion on my personal blog. To me, I don't might people read my blog and sometime I prefer people read it, so that they understand me. I am not good in telling.
    Unfortunately, some people read it and bring it to read world. And, gossip begin...
    My point of view, is to express.. but not to bring up gossip.

    And this is how I feel. Hope you don't mind.
    For now, I don't dare to post what I really feel in my blog anymore..

    Anyway, I like to way you write. especially the beginning. :)

  5. "In cyberspace, we can be ourselves. We don't have to care about the other views."

    I'm totally agree with it! Its so true that we can be ourselves in the cyberspace! In cyberspace, we don't need to act some way just because everyone did that; we don't need to act the way people want us to; speak the way people want us to; we don't need to meet people's expectation and so on. We don't need to be under someone's shadow. We don't need to care about other's people's view. We can live for ourselves in cyberspace.We can act whatever we want in the cyberspace.

    People in cyberspace do not care about who you are and where are you from, and you can share whatever you want. =)

  6. Hi Jia Xin

    I believe the reason people rely and turn themselves to cyberspace is because a reflection of the real world. People don't get the respect and equally treated the way they should be. People are fake and you can never really know what's on their mind and they are up to.

    Governments want to be in control over the cyberspace to monitor what are their citizens are up to. They set laws, rules and regulations on cyberspace to stay in control, stay in power, and stay on top. Governments are aware that if they ever take a step by which stop or limit the interactoin of people in cyberspace, a whole big havoc and chaos will happen and the end result might be unimagable.

    Lastly, like you mentioned, definitely and always be cautious and stay alert when you are in the cyberspace. You never know what kind of people are there their with fake alias and may up to no good. Therefore,never expose any personal and detail information to strangers.

  7. Hi Jia Xin

    I believe the reason people rely and turn themselves to cyberspace is because a reflection of the real world. People don't get the respect and equally treated the way they should be. People are fake and you can never really know what's on their mind and they are up to.

    Governments want to be in control over the cyberspace to monitor what are their citizens are up to. They set laws, rules and regulations on cyberspace to stay in control, stay in power, and stay on top. Governments are aware that if they ever take a step by which stop or limit the interactoin of people in cyberspace, a whole big havoc and chaos will happen and the end result might be unimagable.

    Lastly, like you mentioned, definitely and always be cautious and stay alert when you are in the cyberspace. You never know what kind of people are there their with fake alias and may up to no good. Therefore,never expose any personal and detail information to strangers.

  8. Hey Chiu Yein! Thanks for reading! Hahahaha So true right? This is way easier!!

    Exactly, we rule! We are the leader. Don’t have to listen to anyone. Just be free! No one is under anyone unless you wanted to be la. Like you see in online games, you can choose to be the leader or also a follower wert. It’s all depends on your personality and also the effort you put in!

    Use Smart; Choose Smart! Hahahaha. But sometimes we just went too deep into cyberspace. Cant seems to pull ourselves out back. That’s when a friend is supposed to be right? Let them feel the warmth from the real world. Weeeeeeeee~~~

    Serene! Thanks for reading yo! Lol I don’t mind at all. Everyone’s perception is different, I have no rights to mind what you thought remember? Hahaha!

    Well, it’s actually a good point that you express through words just to let the others read so that they understand you. I used to be like that actually. Hoping others will understand how I feel and what I’m doing by the words I wrote until I realized there are people “stalking” how I live by blogs and taking my blogpost/thoughts as gossips (Like what you mentioned) . That’s when I start privating my blog and keeping everything to myself. Then I found out that it’s actually better to do it this way. If you really want someone to understand your feelings, just invite those that are trustable! Maybe few of ur close friends or what not. Anyhow, this is just my thoughts, not forcing you to do it. =)

  9. Harlo Jia Jing! Thanks for reading yo yo!
    True right? That we can be ourselves! Hahahaha. But well, people can use it to be a good thing but also a bad thing. We might show our true selves in the cyberspace, but there are also people who imitate to be someone else or have multiple identities just to con the others.
    As much as we want to trust everyone, it is still better to be more alert on who to trust. =)

    Hey Ali!

    It’s true that there are some of them turned out that way because they cant be themselves/ did not receive equal treatment from the others. But I still think that turning themselves to be a cyberspace addict is the best solution of all. No matter how, cyberspace is still a virtual world. You can’t rely on it all the time. When you receive inequality treatments, you might want to run away from this world. Yes, you’re allow to do so but when time pass by, it is best to face it. You can hide from the real world all the time. Cyberspace can be a place to get more comfort but not a place to hide forever. That’s what I think. =)

    Uh huh, they want to control and monitor what the citizens are up to. But when they know what the citizens are up to, did they help them to finish it. I mean, okay forget about the bad things here but like if they saw that there is a complaint about something regarding the government, will they take the effort to solve the problem? Or they’ll just wait until there is an official complain to come in first? But well, there are lots of complain if we look at it this way. Sometimes it’s bad to put ALL the blames to the government but it’s just hard to stop that thoughts. Haha. I’m contradicting myself! Gosh. Thanks for reading btw!

  10. In cyberspace,this is what really being called,not judging a book by its cover. As you said, there are hacker in cyberspace,what about raping and murder cases in the real world? when there is pros to be stated,they must be cons to support the pros. Its just like without villian they would not know who is the hero. Setting borders doesn't mean settle everything but prevent it is a better choice. As there is a word says, prevent is better than cure. it you get what i mean =)

  11. cyberspace is cool because nobody will know who are you unless you tell. That is a colourful world but it has its ugly side too. A very good point from your article because Im strongly agree with your statement because i have experienced the truth in cyberspace. Never ever expose yourself unless you know the person because that world is full of conman and liar.
